Mid Herts Golf Course is a beautiful heathland course and a haven for wildlife.  

The course is laid out across one of Hertfordshire’s few remaining lowland heathlands and acid grasslands.  It is species rich with tracts of heather, grasses and wildflowers as well as a home to a range of woodland fauna.  Over 90 bird boxes have been installed in recent years by the club and red kites, great spotted woodpeckers, tawny owls and nuthatch are regularly seen, as well as bats.

Lowland heathland or ecologically similar acid grassland habitats were once widespread across much of southern or mid Hertfordshire. The loss of heathland in Hertfordshire has been dramatic since 1940, with an estimated 97% loss in area, so that today no more than about 20 hectares of open dry and wet heath survives.

The Club has been working closely with the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust on a Management Plan to continue to develop the golf course to “a flourishing mosaic of heathland, acid grassland and secondary woodland”.

The plan will open up woodland areas to encourage the heathland, manage grassland in such a way as to further encourage wildlife and the seeding of wild flowers and regenerate and encourage new growth of rare examples of juniper to be found around the golf course. 

A copy of the Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust Report is available to download and view - please click the link: Nature conservation management plan 2015 – 2020

The Club welcomed the BBC Countryfile team to the course and a report was broadcast on the work of the Club and the Wildlife Trust in January 2016.