Welcome & Guidance
Mid Herts Golf Club extends a warm and friendly welcome to all visiting golfers – whether individuals, groups or societies. All visitors can look forward to an excellent round of golf followed by some exceptional Clubhouse facilities. Our aim is to give you an outstanding golfing experience from the moment that you arrive. That way we know you’ll want to come back.
What’s special about Mid Herts?
We have several starting points on the course and no requirement to book tee times which means the Pro Shop has great flexibility in getting members and visitors onto the course during each day. We always suggest calling ahead in case there is a large competition or Society heading off – but our aim is to maximise our members, guests and visitors’ opportunities to play golf.
Is there a strict etiquette for visitors to observe?
We try to strike a relaxed approach at Mid Herts and rely on our members and visitors to enjoy the course and the clubhouse by simply observing a common courtesy to each other.
On the course, we encourage everyone – members and visitors alike – to allow players through if a group is a bit slow and to pause to allow players to putt out if they are on a green near to your tee. For safety, golfers know to call a warning if their ball strays near someone and on our course which has some footpaths, we wave ramblers through if passing nearby. For comfort and safety – if not always high fashion – golfers wear standard golf clothing and footwear.
In the clubhouse we want you to come in, have a drink and a bite to eat and mull over the putt that got away. We have a relaxed dress code with an accent on casual but smart – avoiding wet or muddy clothing in the lounges. It’s very low-key – but if you’re unsure – just ask – there is always a friendly member of staff to chat to.
We like to think that these are the small courtesies that make a good round into a really enjoyable one for all.
Who to call?
If you are an individual or a small group then call our Pro Shop on 01582 832242 or e-mail golf@midhertsgolfclub.co.uk They can help you find the best time to play and offer advice on tee times, green fees, bar and food.
If you are a Society then call our Events Manager on 01582 832242 or e-mail events@midhertsgolfclub.co.uk. We have a small team dedicated to helping you have a really successful day whatever your requirements.